Many people ponder the question of how to reach success, oftentimes equating it to some hard to solve formula only a few can figure out. This gives those who elude success a pass on achieving it because “only a few people can really figure it out!” The real truth is that there is no secret formula. As a matter of fact, it’s rather simple. The power of success is propelled by consistency. When you take consistent and meaningful action, regardless of motivation levels or any other distractions you may face, there is no possible way to not eventually reach the success you desire. Why do so many people avoid this obvious truth? The answer, consistency is very, very difficult. You will need to break through your comfort zone, push your limits, and do so especially when you least feel like it! Creating a pattern of consistency in one area of your life will help you align that pattern to other areas as well. This is the carry over effect.
Building consistency through the physical realm
For me and my personal journey, I have chosen the route of the physical to inject the consistency I need in my life. I prefer this because the thing I need to be consistent on is blatantly obvious, so much so that I could not lie to myself and say I didn’t know which direction to go in even if I tried. I’m talking about running a marathon! For the last 12 plus weeks, I have been in full marathon training mode. I’ve restricted my intake of junk food and remained on a tight caloric regimen, I’ve trained specifically for strength and injury prevention at the gym, and of course I’ve run…. a lot! Many of the days that go by, the last thing I want to do is run. Today, my body hurt, I was tired, and I felt weak. I was in no way motivated at all to train. Unfortunately, no one cares how you feel, you just need to take the necessary action to reach the desired outcome no matter what, otherwise, no progress can be made. In spite of my emotional response to the idea of running today, I stuck to my schedule of consistency, put in 10 miles, and then headed off to the gym for my lift. No questions asked, no excuses, just clarity and consistency. This consistency is going to lead to me completing my first marathon in July in the allotted time in which I wish to complete it. No one accomplishes anything great without putting in the work and being painfully consistent! Running a marathon, especially at my size and build, is not something that is common nor easy in the slightest to do. That is more reason for me to do it! This consistency has allowed for me to align myself with the same attitude in the other areas of my life that matter, financially and personally.
Consistency from a financial standpoint
Because of the lessons I have put myself through prepping for a marathon, I have better been able to align myself with my goals financially. Financial success, especially in my realm of real estate, is predicated on consistency. Each person has their roles on my team, and without consistency, business literally comes to an abrupt stop! Our callers call. That is their consistent action that they must make in order to fill our business with leads and get paid. My transaction coordinator writes contracts and takes deals through escrow. I sell our deals and raise capital for the ones we’d like to keep in the business. If one of us loses our consistency even a little bit, the entirety of the business and the financial stability of it suffer immediately and immeasurably. We are working diligently to build up our systems so we can leverage our business, but without consistency in its current state, we’d make no money! Of course there are going to be days where we’ll dread it from start to finish, but you can’t let that emotion hinder your performance. The moment you let your emotions take control of your day and let go of the wheel so to speak is the moment where consistency for that day is likely going to be broken.
Consistency doesn’t care about your feelings
When emotions are in the driver’s seat of your day, your consistency and general performance will undoubtedly suffer. People often talk about a lack of motivation being the issue. The truth is, everyone lacks motivation for things they don’t want to do! If you sit around your whole life waiting to be motivated, you’ll never get anything done! The best and only thing you can do if you want to be successful is to be consistent regardless of how you feel or what your motivation level is for that day. If you’re feeling motivated, good, use it to your advantage. If you’re not, good, no one cares. Do what you know you need to do regardless. Taking simple yet effective consistent action on a daily basis is the only way you’ll be able to realize success to the highest capacity.