My Ongoing Story

Freedom is the goal for everyone in life. People talk about it all the time, and it is the promise that we in the free world strive to achieve. However, not many reach this. Whether it is due to the dreadful nine to five you can’t bear to wake up for anymore, or the constant bills and debt amassed due to mortgage payments and credit card bills, most people spend the majority of their lives working for money. Personally, I don’t see this as living rather just a day in the “rat race” of what most people come to expect and accept as life. Life is about having the financial freedom to do what you want, with who you want, and when you want. It is about creating positive habits, avoiding negative surroundings and people and immersing your life in positivity. Financial freedom is about making money work for you, creating streams of passive income, and doing things that are your own in which you love. Rather than lining the pockets of your employer, enrich your own life with not only money, but the sense of accomplishment and individuality. There is nothing you can’t achieve when you create positive habits, pursue passions, and obtain financial freedom. Come along with me as I experience this journey myself alongside those of you who read this on our path to a life full of freedom.