Culture Building

Building a winning culture in your business is an integral part of its ability to succeed or not. Part of having a winning culture means that everyone in the business buys into it and embodies the core values. For my business personally, this is something we take very seriously. So much so that we dedicate hours of our time and effort to align everything we do with our core values to reaffirm the culture that we want to build and sustain. Companies with a big vision always have common shared values that they reinforce daily. Their values help guide them to the type of success they are striving for.

Culture, the missing link in my business

One of the biggest things right now that is allowing my real estate business to fire on all cylinders is the culture we are creating for our team. We abide by a set of core values, honesty, integrity, persistence, and accountability, and in turn so does our entire team. This embodiment of our culture attracts the right people to our business who become a big part of what we are doing. Our callers and team members are completely bought into our vision through our shared core values and culture and this alignment is where the magic happens. The proper culture also has the tendency to weed out those who don’t belong. For example, I’ve had callers on my acquisition team who for one reason or another weren’t ready to completely buy into our culture. Most of the time, this was because they didn’t buy in to one or more of our core values (likely persistence as a caller being that this is one of if not the most important trait for that job), and their drive to continue fizzled out. Although people who don’t buy in may be great people and hard workers., sometimes, they just aren’t a good fit. Culture can help filter this out for you.

Culture can also create leaders within your business. Those who really buy into it can really be the propeller your business needs to cruise at light speed. In our real estate wholesaling business, we’ve had a handful of people really step up, become leaders, and take initiative. Just last Friday we had one of our leader callers organize a group role playing call so everyone could bond and get better together. No instruction was given to do this, it was simply one of our leaders leading. This is an amazing step to building a wildly successful business. Having these types of people in your business also leads to the expansion and growth of new aspects of it given their ideas and motivation to help the business grow.

Buying in and adding value

Out of the leaders a solid culture will create, there will be one or a few, at least in my experience, who will go above and beyond to improve your business. For example, I head a department called the joint venture disposition department. Underneath me. I have a team member named Nick. Nick has completely bought into the culture and sees it as an opportunity to be autonomous and fit in somewhere that really hears out and understands his needs. He has bought into the culture and become a leader that will eventually oversee part of the business. Nick has taken his leadership role and run with the autonomy that has been given to him to make the business functionally better. His insights and improvements in how we operate are as valuable as they come. We have an immense mutual respect for one another and there is a clear path to getting where we want to go. Having bought into the same core values and culture makes it all the more easy to stay in alignment with one another throughout this process. A winning culture will create leaders like Nick who will go above and beyond to help your business succeed, so long as they are treated right and rewarded with the treatment they deserve. The more people you can have like this completely bought into the culture, the better off you’ll be and more clear cut the path to success will become. Core values that create a winning culture are an absolutely critical part of your business and they should be treated that way.