Accountability is a trait that is absent in the minds of the modern youth. People today cope with their own inefficiencies and failures by blaming external factors that are perceived to be out of their control so they can relieve that burden off their own shoulders. This is the modern day “Victimhood Olympics” so many play into. Taking accountability is a difficult thing to do, but it is the only way we can learn and grow from our experiences and mistakes. Victimhood is preached from the highest mountaintops in our country, and more and more people fall into this trap. Believing you can’t achieve something in America due to something that is out of your control and that is unable to be changed is an outright lie. It is designed for people to accept mediocrity and project their anger outward to the world to try and bring everyone else down with them. One of the most common occurrences where victimhood mentality is extremely prevalent is in regards to wealth, and that cancerous belief has deep and profound long term negative effects on society.
Why the poor are programmed to hate the rich
There is a growing gap in this country between the rich and the poor. While the powers that be will have you believe that it is because some people are extremely privileged and get extra benefits through a corrupt system to get there, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. This lie is spoon fed to poor people to make them feel like society is rigged against them, and the only way to fix the problem is to penalize wealth. “Tax the rich!” is a slogan of the modern victim class. What these people don’t understand is the risks, time, energy, effort, and sacrifice it takes to build wealth. Wealth is achievable for everyone and anyone in this country. It takes a level of sacrifice not many are willing to give. Instead of understanding and accepting that as the truth, people have been poisoned to think that wealth comes from privilege.
The wealthy class in this country and the world are the job creators and innovators that advance society. Elon Musk gave everything and more to his success. After his successful exit from PayPal, Elon had a $180 million dollar personal profit. 99.9% of the population would either squander this money by spending it frivolously, or retire and invest in safe assets to preserve their wealth. What Elon did was neither of the two. He took every cent he made and invested it into Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity, three more risky startups aimed at advancing society for the better and creating well paying jobs for the working class. He took a MASSIVE RISK when he absolutely didn’t need to. He lived off of nothing while he tirelessly grew his businesses from the ground up. Today, he has turned that $180 million into over $200 billion, advanced society in ways only he could fathom, and created tens of thousands of well paying jobs across the nation. Elon risked it all and came out on top. His success is a huge benefit and net positive for society.
Those who play the victim card their whole life and claim to be held back by some invisible power have a serious issue accepting accountability for their position in life. Everything is a choice. Rich and poor are both choices we need to make. One is more difficult than the other by a long shot and that is the real reason why so many people remain poor. “Tax the rich” is a coping mechanism to deal with people’s low self-esteem and insecurity.
The mindset shift that needs to occur
The underlying problem to all of this is that people’s internal dialogue is all out of whack. “My situation in life and everything around me in life is holding me back”, is the leading thought that dominates the brains of the poor. Accountability is nowhere in sight and success will always elude those who hold this mindset.
“How can I follow in the footsteps of those who have had success before me to better my own life?”, is the question poor people must ask themselves to open the gates to wealth. This simple outlook shift changes lives and those who adopt it see significantly better results with their lives even in a short period of time. The moment people start taking accountability for their lives and actions is the moment where things really start to change. They leave the realm of the Victimhood Olympics and enter a new realm of endless possibility. They realize that all their lives they have been lied to about wealth, and that it really is accessible to those who give everything they have to achieve it. There is nothing holding anyone back from success.
While we can acknowledge some people have worse circumstances than others, what we can’t accept is being a victim of those circumstances. If you are always arguing for your limiting beliefs and poor circumstances, how can you ever expect to overcome them? This is a tough question to ask yourself, and for most people, the realization of the answer hits them like a bag of bricks. Your destiny is in your control. You and only you have the power and authority to dictate how your life plays out. You can choose the victim route, be miserable, and blame everyone else for your failures, or you can take accountability and overcome your circumstances to achieve great success. Phrased like that, the choice should be easy for you to make. All you have to do is ask yourself the right questions and the right answers will begin to appear!