Failure is an inevitable obstacle we all must face and overcome in our pursuit of financial freedom. The question of most value is what you can learn from failure when you are faced with it. For so many people, it represents the end of the road, that they’re incapable or unworthy of achieving their goals, and it is taken as a sign or excuse to just give up. This is absolutely the wrong approach and will result in a continuous string of miserable experiences. Failure, contrary to popular belief, is an integral part of the path to success, and being able to learn and absorb lessons from failure will make you a success.
Failure is an opportunity to improve and win
So many don’t attempt to do things because they fear the failure that may occur from taking risk. This is why 90% of people take the path of least resistance in life, choose the easiest route possible, and live an extremely mediocre life. I can imagine if you’re reading this right now, this isn’t you, or at least you consciously don’t want it to be you! The biggest thing to understand about success is that the path least traveled is the path you must go down to reach what you desire. This involves at least some level of risk and the potential to fail. If the path you are choosing to go down throws failure in your way, it is trying to teach you a lesson on how to improve and reach the next level. You must know and accept this going in as many people who don’t possess this mindset see failure as the end of the road and a sign to turn back immediately. The biggest lessons I have ever learned have come from temporary failure. I’ve launched Amazon products that didn’t succeed, I’ve lost out on contracts for properties I wanted because of something simple such as a lack of communication and so much more. I know that this is the time where I am going to get my ass kicked a couple of times by life and I accept that as reality. However, I know that each time I fail or run into a roadblock, life is trying to teach me a lesson on how to improve. This is how successful people fine tune their skills and become the very best. They fail, learn, and fail again until they finally piece it all together and reach the outcome they were striving for from the beginning. This is how winners are made and success is reached.
The most successful people travel the hardest roads
The most successful people are those who are always learning. They always put themselves in a position to do something difficult yet worthwhile and acknowledge and accept failure as a possibility and embrace the lessons said failure will teach them. The single most common trait amongst the most successful people is their thirst for knowledge and learning new things. This path inspires them to grow and create new things that bring value to the world and in turn make them very wealthy. The energy you put out in the world is always reciprocated back onto you. If you have an ambitious spirit and you’re willing to travel down the hardest roads to reach success while leading and guiding others to the top with you, life will reward you with all the success, wealth, and happiness you could ever imagine!
Accepting difficult lessons
Some failure can be heart wrenching and really sting. Don’t let this feeling of temporary defeat slow you down on your pursuit to greatness. You need to understand why you failed and take the emotion of failure out of the equation. Analyze what happened and what you could have done better and you will be able to extrapolate lessons and turn them into action steps and success. People really get bogged down with emotion as it is the crux of success in instances like these. We must learn to control our emotions in difficult situations, take control, and act decisively. Feeling sorry for yourself is a one way ticket back to the bottom. It takes a ton of self awareness to turn off emotion in such emotional times that failure can bring, but emotion clouds our judgment and analysis of the situation at hand and we must be clear-minded to analyze what went wrong. Accepting your failure and applying the lessons you learn from it to keep pushing forward is the only way success can be reached. It is far from easy and takes more willpower than one may even know they had access to. At the end of the day, success is a choice. You may choose the path of least resistance and live in mediocrity, or face the ups and downs of the path least traveled to success. The choice is yours and yours alone to prepare for and journey on!