Turning Scarcity Into Abundance for Financial Freedom

Everyone has obstacles to overcome. Overcoming obstacles is how we all grow as people, and if we don’t overcome them, then we stagnate. Some may have more to overcome than others which we have been led to believe means that they are less likely to achieve great things. I disagree firmly with this theory. The more obstacles and hurdles you have to overcome, the more you grow as a person, and the loftier goals you manifest and conquer. People who don’t have much to overcome and that are never tested or struggling in their lives fail to go through growth and therefore stagnate as people. The goal of financial freedom and independence is one of great magnitude, and the more hurdles you have to overcome to reach this goal, the more you will learn and grow along the way. When you know what scarcity is like, your drive causes you to desperately reach for abundance.

Setting difficult goals and facing obstacles.

The best way to grow yourself as a person is to go through hardship in pursuit of something worthwhile. It is important, at least in my opinion, to set high expectations for yourself from the beginning. These high expectations will drive you to do what it takes every day to reach your goals. For example, I have a current goal of starting and scaling a multimillion dollar real estate portfolio within the next 6-12 months. This lofty goal may seem intangible for someone in my position from when I set this goal, but I was able to use this scarcity to search for abundance and lead me to my goals. I knew what I needed and what I was scarce in to achieve this goal and used this driver to find abundance where I needed it. I joined a community of go-giver real estate investors called Subto and I presented the deals I was working on and used the abundance of this community to take me one step closer to this goal of mine. On my quest to build a multimillion dollar portfolio, the community allowed me to meet people with experience doing creative deals and the money resources to get it done. Due to this connection, I along with two partners who are both members of the aforementioned community were able to put a multimillion dollar student housing portfolio under contract in which it remains currently. There are many more obstacles to overcome between now and closing, many of which will be high-pressure, but that is how you grow. I embrace this challenge and am confident that the outcome will be a favorable one due to the drive and determination I have from coming so far along on the pursuit of this lofty goal.

Why remaining comfortable leads to a miserable life

If only I could count how many people have stable income and pay their bills on time, yet live miserable and unfulfilled lives. This is because life is not about choosing the easy route and getting by trading your time for money. It’s about setting high expectations for yourself, failing, learning and growing from these failures, and achieving new high-level goals on a regular basis. Ambition and drive are what makes life worth living, not a paycheck and a job you have a love-hate relationship with.

Using uncertain circumstances as drivers to bet on yourself

Starting something from the ground up is difficult and I can tell you that first hand. You don’t know when you’ll see the fruits of your labor, but you’re confident that if you keep pushing the envelope you will so long as you don’t give up. That is the situation I currently find myself in with my real estate endeavors, my Amazon business, and my blog. I have a real estate wholesale business in Florida I just launched two weeks ago with two partners and it’s a big expense until we wholesale our first deal which is coming sooner than later. I have a real estate portfolio under contract that won’t close until August. I have an Amazon business I am re-launching and just ordered my first product for. I have this blog that I am trying to grow every single day. I pour all of my energy and drive into all these avenues and I can finally see that the light is just around the corner. Insecurity and the feeling of nothing being guaranteed is what continues to drive me to do what I do every day. I have thought so many times about just getting some steady work for the next few months while everything begins to take off, but I realize that would deviate me from working on my businesses on a daily basis. I also feel as though that would make me feel comfortable enough to let my foot off the gas pedal and the last thing I want is to fall into the trap of mediocrity and become satisfied. I will continue to use this scarcity as a driver to propel me to financial freedom and abundance. I am thankful for my current circumstances and the power it has given me to take one step closer to my goals every single day.