Tackling Adversity

Adversity is something that presents itself often when we are pursuing worthwhile causes. Tackling adversity can be difficult and cause people to quit, give up, and forget whatever it was they were trying to achieve. In reality, adversity is an obstacle we must overcome and learn from on our path towards greater achievement. Instead of stopping in our tracks, we should view adversity as the universe trying to send us a message instead of disregarding it because of its challenges. Nothing worth achieving comes without major effort and persistence. The ability to face and learn from adversity is a worthwhile trait to be able to reach the highest levels of success.

Adversity from my own life on the pursuit of financial freedom

At the end of 2021, I was practicing as a part-time real estate agent and full-time college student. I had done a few deals with a partner and was doing pretty well for a college kid financially, however I really wanted to start investing in real estate. I knew I didn’t have the money or experience to go out and be successful on my own, so I spent time looking for partners to add to my circle. I was able to find someone who was around my age and shared a similar interest and fire for real estate investing like I did and still do. The plan was he would bring the money to the table, I would bring the deal, and we would go in as 50/50 partners. Long story short, we saw a few properties and made an offer on one of them. It got rejected and I was distraught by the situation. Little did I know that adversity was a blessing in disguise for me.

Not long after that happened, a portfolio of properties came across our lap in the area we had been looking. The asking price was $4.45 million. How could someone like me ever take down a deal like that? With the backing of my partner, my family, our realtor, and the rest of our support system, we began the pursuit of this portfolio. We spoke with the sellers, laid out creative options for them, and took massive action to show we were serious about making this deal happen. Eventually, we ran into the speed bump of finding funding for the down payment. We explored so many options. From reaching out to private and hard money lenders, to asking personal referrals, and even contacting well-off family members, we tried everything. One day, I got the urge to join a group I had wanted to join for some time called Subto with Pace Morby. Pace is the creative finance king of real estate and we had been using his free content on YouTube to come up with ways to make this deal happen. Within a day or two of joining his group, we were connected to our now third partner who agreed to help us take down the deal by bringing the down payment using a creative financing strategy called Morby Method. What that method of financing entails is not important in the context of the story, however, the bottom line is that because of our handling of adversity, we were able to make a deal with the seller and get the deal under contract. Since then, we have put another property under contract together using the same method. It was adversity that helped us figure out how to climb to the next level. Every time we got stuck, we analyzed our situation, figured out what we needed, and found a resolution. This is the power of overcoming and tackling adversity head on. It is how good becomes great and great becomes unstoppable.

How to recognize the lessons of adversity

Recognizing adversity is easy. It is a point in which difficulty occurs and most people quit. Instead of giving up when things get difficult, trying to unravel the puzzle of why the difficulty happened and what you can do to resolve the issue will clearly illustrate the lesson adversity is trying to teach you. For me, this has happened dozens of times in my early journey towards financial freedom. Instead of panicking when I reached some form of adversity, my innate instinct was to analyze the situation, what I may have done wrong, and what I can do to get over this obstacle. If you ask yourself the right questions, you will surely find the right answers. Running from adversity is the same as running for worthwhile accomplishment because with one comes the other. Extracting the lessons adversity teaches you and continuing to improve will develop you into an unstoppable force of success!