Take Action Consistently

Success requires you to take action. There are no ifs ands or buts about it. Everyone has dreams and thoughts and goals, but most people never take action to achieve them. They are diverted for many reasons. A lot of it has to do with society’s definition of “reasonable goals” which basically says that the only way to make it is to go to college, get a job with benefits, buy a home, and raise a family. By following this traditional path, your hopes and dreams are often put on hold never to be returned to. The thing that separates the rich and poor which we discussed in great lengths in our previous post is mindset, and taking action is part of that mindset shift. There is a litany of excuses as to why people don’t take definitive action towards their goals. Let’s talk about of some of the most common ones.

“I don’t have the money right now”

This is by far I think the most common excuse that people use to not take action. What they fail to understand is that in this instance, they can replace money with some of their individual qualities in many cases. In the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki tries to instill the mindset of asking oneself “How can I afford this?”, rather than “I can’t afford this.” This principle applies perfectly to what we are discussing here. Using questions such as the one stated above asking “How can I afford this?” allows for the mind to explore possibilities to make what they want happen. Using statements such as “I can’t afford this.” shut the brain down on the spot. Saying you don’t have the money to pursue your dreams right now is like saying I can’t afford it. Both are statements that shut the brain off from working out a creative solution. Now I can’t tell you what the solution you come up with may be, but I know that this principle works firsthand. I’ve come up with creative ways to get my businesses out there and continue to do so with not nearly as much money as people think they need to start out. The old adage “It takes money to make money” is BS. It takes creativity, persistence, and CONSISTANT ACTION!

“I need stable income and benefits”

Co-host of the popular show Shark Tank and millionaire entrepreneur Kevin O’leary said my point better than I ever could, “A salary is just the drug they give you when they want you to give up on your dreams.” A powerful quote from a brilliant mind. Sure, following your dreams doesn’t give you the “stability” that you “need”. But these are all subjective terms. If you want something bad enough, 9 times out of 10 you’ll find a way to make it work. Never give up on your dreams and never settle for what society tells you is good enough. If you aren’t pushing yourself constantly, you will miss some pretty great opportunities.

“i’m just waiting for x to happen first”

Don’t wait for the stars to align to get started. There is never a perfect time to start anything. The world is a chaotic place and things will always be frantic. Stop trying to time success and simply just go for it. Having a vision for your future and taking consistent action to achieve that vision will undoubtedly get you to where you want to go regardless of any sort of external factors.

See a common theme here?

All of these excuses are convincing the brain that nothing can be done about your current situation, and by coming up with these explanations or excuses for yourself you are justifying your lack of action and shutting off your brain. More often than not the solution is much more straightforward than one may perceive. Change your mindset and ask yourself how can you use your creativity and intelligence to get where you want to be. Instead of complaining about what you lack, leverage what you have in your possession, drive, passion, creativity, etc. I know that it is a lot easier said than done, but when you take consistent and meaningful action on a daily basis, those huge goals begin to seem a lot more manageable and achievable.

Set a vision for yourself

Envision what life will be like in a few weeks, months, or years if you just take consistent action to achieve your goals. The path doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be clear as to how to get to that point. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Believe in yourself and keep your mind churning by asking yourself questions, rather than presenting your brain with self-defeating statements. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start taking action. Set a schedule for yourself and clearly outline your daily goals as you go. Make them manageable and obtainable, and you will feel motivated to come back and take more action the next day. Taking action is the name of the game! Don’t hesitate!